Thursday, 19 July 2007



PYNEH 精銳盡出,主力由 Pharmacists ,文員和男護組成,只有一兩位是醫生 (Sunny & Thomas)。眼見對手人強馬壯,己方不敢怠慢,打出 4-2-2 陣式, 希望穩守突擊,但比賽甫開始,己方因場地濕滑,不小心先失一球。幸好及後 Perry 和 Bong 逐漸上力,搶回不少攻勢,形勢開始逆轉。先是由 Alwin 乘對方後衛出錯,極罕見地用左腳射遠柱追成平手,及後 Bong 以 Drogba 式盤球衝入歒陣破網反超前。及後我方有多次極"近磅"的機會擴大比數,但因天氣悶熱,體力不繼,或因前鋒盤扭過多,而一一浪費。幸好 Derek, Willie, Chu, Kevin和 Paul 防守出色,加上 David 專業的守門,才可保住勝局。


Players attended:
David Tsang, Alwin Yeung, YC Woo, Kevin Tsang, Willie, Chu WM, Bong, Perry, Derek

Guest players:
Fu See, my brother, Paul

Scores : Alwin Yeung, Bong


A Yeung said...

As a reminder to all of us including me, please don't 盤扭過多, try shoot more.

A Yeung said...

I am so happy to see that our two new comers (Bong and Perry) are superb in soccer skills.

Anonymous said...

good play
I would be out of town in coming weeks
enjoy the game (and David, pls come more... I am avoiding goal keeping haha)


Anonymous said...

Got ya, Jerry!

Actually our dribbling skill is good, just that we were playing 9-man ball yesterday, so less space to operate... sometimes dribble a bit too much, like yesterday...

Happy to have Bong in front. With him, A Yeung can play a bit 墮後, and shoot some 撞射 (like Paul Scholes)... I think that would work, especially when our opponent's keeper is obviously not that great.

I do think we play great as a team yesterday (except the opening minutes :p)


Perry Chau said...

大家都上緊力, 應該會愈黎愈好...
I will try to be a real man next time and shoot more