Saturday 28 March 2009

Coming Match 9/4/09

Please kindly report your availability for the following match.

Date/Time : 9/4/09 (Thur) 6:30-8pm

Venue : 鰂魚涌公園一期人造草場


Thursday 26 March 2009

A perfect bounce back


RHTWEH FC started the game in a perfect way.
Bondchu adopted the position just liked Stevie G's role in Liverpool. A decent chip, nice turn and calm shot by him gave RHTWEH an early 1-0 lead. The early goal was a booster for the team who still suffered from some post traumatic depression resulting from their defeat in HKMA football day.
Woo the lone striker, wasted quite a few chances in the game, met Yuen's corner with a perfect timing header and increased the gap to 2-0. Woo went crazy afterwards....
Credit goes to the tight defence task force established by Willie, Ben, Thomas (Bonchu's friend), KC, Lung etc, strong!
The team fought hard til the end and grasped this valuable bounce back win.

1st gaol: Scorer: Bondchu, Assist: Woo
2nd goal: Scorer: Woo, Assist: Yuen

Regret of the match: the absence of our midfield dynamite Captain Alwin

Gk: Willie
Def: Thomas, Ben, Guest player (No.16)
Mid: FuSee, Kevin, Bondchu, Perry, KC, Lung, Yuen
For: Woo, Bondchu's friend (No.2)

Sunday 22 March 2009


HKMA football day 2009

Yes, we lost...

1st game:
RHTWEH FC 3 vs. 0 CU Medic 03
Scorers: Tsang, Bondchu, Alwin

2nd game:

Champion: Dr CM Chan and friends (senior players)

Coming Match 26/3/09

Please kindly report your availability for the following match.

Date/Time : 26/3/09 (Thur) 6:30-8pm

Venue : 鰂魚涌公園一期人造草場


Thursday 19 March 2009

Updated time table

12:30 – 13:00 RHTWEH FC vs CU Medic 03
14:00 – 14:30 RHTWEH FC vs Sha Wan United 沙灣聯
16:45 – 17:15 Winner of Group A vs Winner of Group D
17:15 – 17:45 Champion fight

Monday 16 March 2009

Road to championship

RHTWEH FC is unfortunately in a closely matched group, fight hard brothers! Lung, please register, we need you!!!!!!!

Group A: RHTWEH FC, Sha Wan United & CUHK Medic 03

Please try to make yourself available for the post match CME Lecture:
Stress Management in Economic Tsunami
by Dr. CHAN Chung Mau, Specialist in Psychiatry

HKMA football day time table:

12:00 – 12:30 RHTWEH FC vs CU Medic 03
13:30 - 14:00 RHTWEH FC vs Sha Wan United 沙灣聯
16:00 – 16:30 Group A 1st vs Group D 1st /Group B 1st vs Group C 1st
16:30 – 17:00 3rd Fight / Champion Fight
19:00 – 21:00 CME LECTURE with DINNER at Royal Riverside Hotel, Shatin

Regulations (Please pay EXTRA attention to points 7,8,9)(Point 8 is my problem, I understand!)
1. 7- aside
2. Unlimited substitutions of football players
3. 人造草足球鞋 (請注意:香港中文大學體育部嚴格規定,不可用真草足球鞋)
4. 冇越位
5. 龍門不可用手接回傳
6. MUST use Sports Goggles to protect glasses(否則後果自負)
7. 必須帶上護脛(否則後果自負)
8. 若以下情況發生,球員將會被罰停場...
a. 同一場比賽內,球員累積1 面紅牌 或 2 面黃牌,會被即時罰離場,以及下一場被罰停場;
b. 在分別2 場或以上賽事中,累積2 面黃牌,便被罰下一場停賽;
c. 球員累積2 面紅牌,即被罰離場,不能再作賽。
9. Grouping
a. Total of 10 teams (aged under 45) and 2 teams (aged over 45);
b. 由於今年只有2 隊senior group 參加,因此籌辦委員會於3 月3 日的會議上作出以下決定:~ 12 隊隊伍將被安排分為4 組一同作賽,屆時為了增加比賽的競爭性,以及對前輩的尊重,與這2 隊隊伍(aged over 45)比賽的球隊會先讓2 球。~ 即:若球隊(aged under 45)對球隊(aged over 45)時,球隊(aged under 45)在該場總數入1 球=輸;入2 球=和;入3 球或以上=勝。
c. 每組循環作賽,循環賽不設加時及12 碼分勝負,每組只有首名可以出綫。每場30 分鐘,勝方得3 分、和得1 分、負得0 分,最高分為首名;如同分,先計得失球差;如相同,則計得球,如相同,則計對賽成積,如相同,則以擲毫決定;
d. 每組首名對賽,晉級爭奪冠、亞、季、殿軍;e. 冠軍和季軍戰為30 分鐘,如未分出勝負,則以3 球12 碼決定勝負,如入球相同,則以突然死亡方式的12 碼決勝負;
10. 由於時間所限,請各隊隊員準時到達,如球隊有5 人或以上出席,比賽會繼續進行;但倘若球隊人數不足(少於5 人),將被當作棄權及即輸3 球論。

Saturday 14 March 2009


RH United 8
維修機電隊 4

Alwin 隊長大發神威,連中三元,其中兩球都是連過數關響袋,射門的觸角返晒黎咯。
Bondchu 的衝刺是打散敵方後防的關鍵,兩球士哥憑努力得來。而兩球助攻,特別是交給Woo的直線波,都是高質素靚波。
Woo 打前鋒時射中柱,一頭一腳攻門都被門將封殺,反而打後防上前助攻有兩球進帳,當中第二球掛網波食到應晒,真是非旁觀者能感覺。
Perry 瘦身成功,狀態冒起,禁區頂接應 Bonchu 傳送亦建一功。

Lung 的掃蕩和Willie的穩定令後防穩如泰山.Fan 和Wong 的滿埸奔跑搶截亦惹人好感.

Gk: Willie
Def: Woo, Lung, Wong
Mid: Fan, Alwin, Perry
For: Bondchu

Scorers: Alwin (3), Bondchu (2), Woo (2), Perry (1)
Assist (As far as I can remember): Bondchu (2) (for Woo's first goal & Perry's goals), Woo (2) (for Bondchu's first and Alwin's third), Perry !(1) (Alwin's second) (No assist for Bondchu's second and Woo's second, unsure about Alwin's first.)

Monday 9 March 2009

Coming match 13/3/09

Please kindly report your availability for the following match.

Date/Time : 13/3/09 (Fri) 6:00-8pm

vs 維修機電隊

Venue : 灣仔公園硬地場