Monday 16 March 2009

Road to championship

RHTWEH FC is unfortunately in a closely matched group, fight hard brothers! Lung, please register, we need you!!!!!!!

Group A: RHTWEH FC, Sha Wan United & CUHK Medic 03

Please try to make yourself available for the post match CME Lecture:
Stress Management in Economic Tsunami
by Dr. CHAN Chung Mau, Specialist in Psychiatry

HKMA football day time table:

12:00 – 12:30 RHTWEH FC vs CU Medic 03
13:30 - 14:00 RHTWEH FC vs Sha Wan United 沙灣聯
16:00 – 16:30 Group A 1st vs Group D 1st /Group B 1st vs Group C 1st
16:30 – 17:00 3rd Fight / Champion Fight
19:00 – 21:00 CME LECTURE with DINNER at Royal Riverside Hotel, Shatin

Regulations (Please pay EXTRA attention to points 7,8,9)(Point 8 is my problem, I understand!)
1. 7- aside
2. Unlimited substitutions of football players
3. 人造草足球鞋 (請注意:香港中文大學體育部嚴格規定,不可用真草足球鞋)
4. 冇越位
5. 龍門不可用手接回傳
6. MUST use Sports Goggles to protect glasses(否則後果自負)
7. 必須帶上護脛(否則後果自負)
8. 若以下情況發生,球員將會被罰停場...
a. 同一場比賽內,球員累積1 面紅牌 或 2 面黃牌,會被即時罰離場,以及下一場被罰停場;
b. 在分別2 場或以上賽事中,累積2 面黃牌,便被罰下一場停賽;
c. 球員累積2 面紅牌,即被罰離場,不能再作賽。
9. Grouping
a. Total of 10 teams (aged under 45) and 2 teams (aged over 45);
b. 由於今年只有2 隊senior group 參加,因此籌辦委員會於3 月3 日的會議上作出以下決定:~ 12 隊隊伍將被安排分為4 組一同作賽,屆時為了增加比賽的競爭性,以及對前輩的尊重,與這2 隊隊伍(aged over 45)比賽的球隊會先讓2 球。~ 即:若球隊(aged under 45)對球隊(aged over 45)時,球隊(aged under 45)在該場總數入1 球=輸;入2 球=和;入3 球或以上=勝。
c. 每組循環作賽,循環賽不設加時及12 碼分勝負,每組只有首名可以出綫。每場30 分鐘,勝方得3 分、和得1 分、負得0 分,最高分為首名;如同分,先計得失球差;如相同,則計得球,如相同,則計對賽成積,如相同,則以擲毫決定;
d. 每組首名對賽,晉級爭奪冠、亞、季、殿軍;e. 冠軍和季軍戰為30 分鐘,如未分出勝負,則以3 球12 碼決定勝負,如入球相同,則以突然死亡方式的12 碼決勝負;
10. 由於時間所限,請各隊隊員準時到達,如球隊有5 人或以上出席,比賽會繼續進行;但倘若球隊人數不足(少於5 人),將被當作棄權及即輸3 球論。


A Yeung said...

Sha Wan United 沙灣聯 are QMH guys?

Woo said...


Yuen said...

I am a member of SWU. They comprise of doctors and non-doctors. For HKMA football Day, all the team member must be doctors. Don't worry, the age of doctors are not young. I think they include Tsui Sik Hon, Law Ngai Leung, Leung Wai Yeung, Pierre Chan. But to be honest, they are strong! However, I heard they are quite afraid of us because we are the defending champion.


Anonymous said...

they are strong ....
afraid ><

A Yeung said...

Is Yuen playing with us or against us?

Woo said...

Yuen is registered as our player. He's with us.

Anonymous said...

Is there any transport arrangement?
I am thinking of coming to cheer you guys.