Saturday 14 March 2009


RH United 8
維修機電隊 4

Alwin 隊長大發神威,連中三元,其中兩球都是連過數關響袋,射門的觸角返晒黎咯。
Bondchu 的衝刺是打散敵方後防的關鍵,兩球士哥憑努力得來。而兩球助攻,特別是交給Woo的直線波,都是高質素靚波。
Woo 打前鋒時射中柱,一頭一腳攻門都被門將封殺,反而打後防上前助攻有兩球進帳,當中第二球掛網波食到應晒,真是非旁觀者能感覺。
Perry 瘦身成功,狀態冒起,禁區頂接應 Bonchu 傳送亦建一功。

Lung 的掃蕩和Willie的穩定令後防穩如泰山.Fan 和Wong 的滿埸奔跑搶截亦惹人好感.

Gk: Willie
Def: Woo, Lung, Wong
Mid: Fan, Alwin, Perry
For: Bondchu

Scorers: Alwin (3), Bondchu (2), Woo (2), Perry (1)
Assist (As far as I can remember): Bondchu (2) (for Woo's first goal & Perry's goals), Woo (2) (for Bondchu's first and Alwin's third), Perry !(1) (Alwin's second) (No assist for Bondchu's second and Woo's second, unsure about Alwin's first.)


A Yeung said...

Kick off by Perry.

A Yeung said...

Perry is really in good shape now. But he still needs to undergo some endurance training. Otherwise, he may get a muscle cramp again next time.

Hope that we guys can have same superb performance in the coming HKMA football day.