Thursday, 7 April 2011

Coming Match 21/4/2011

Please kindly report your availability for the following match.

Date/Time : 21/4/2011 (Thur) 6:30-8pm

Venue : 鰂魚涌公園一期人造草場

vs Sanofi-aventis

Please wear white jersey.

2 guest players will be entertained. Please confirm with Alwin Yeung if your friends are coming.


A Yeung said...

Can't come. Not in HK.

Yuen said...


A Yeung said...

Willie not a/v.

Perry Chau said...

I will come

Cheong said...

WIll join

Eddy said...

I will come

Fan said...

I'll come

Yuen said...

Update: sorry, won't come as I sustained R knee injury again in the Cluster Game yesterday. Will have MRI tomorrow.

A Yeung said...

Get well soon, Yuen.

KC will come, together with one friend.