Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Coming Match 3/6/2010

Please kindly report your availability for the following match.

Date/Time : 3/6/2010 (Thur) 6:30-8pm

Venue : 鰂 魚涌公園一期人 造草場

vs Boehringer


A Yeung said...

I will come.

Anonymous said...

Oversea, can't come.

Perry Chau said...

post-call...I will come

Yuen said...

Be there. BTW, will Chu Chi Kong come again?

Derek yeung said...

Sorry, i can't come.

Woo said...

I'll come, but no Chu CK this time

Anonymous said...

Sorry can't come this time

Anonymous said...

Sorry can't come this time


Fan said...

I'll come

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