Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Coming Match 25/2/2010

Please kindly report your availability for the following match.

Date/Time : 25/2/2010 (Thur) 6:30-8pm

Venue : 鰂魚涌公園二期人造草場

vs Mak's invitation team


bong said...

seem our next match of inter-cluster game on 28th Feb, if so I have to save energy and not come on 25th la sorry

Yuen said...

I'll come. Come on Bong, there are 2+ days to rest. You're among the youngest teammate!! I don't need to save energy at anytime!!

Derek yeung said...

I will come.

A Yeung said...

Leung WM will come.

Anonymous said...

me too,

Fan said...

I'll come

Woo said...

Sorry guys I have a stupid MC job to do and can't come. Enjoy.

HEI @ PYNEH said...

i"ll join

A Yeung said...

Oliver will come.

A Yeung said...

Perry will come.
Ka Wai can't come.

Anonymous said...

Henry can't come because on-call