Saturday, 31 July 2010

Coming Match 5/8/2010

Please kindly report your availability for the following match.

Date/Time : 5/8/2010 (Thur) 6:30-8pm

Venue : 鰂魚涌公園一期人 造草場

vs Mak's invitation team

Friday, 23 July 2010

Two Coming Events...

Please kindly report your availability for the following two events :

Practice Session
Date/Time : 30/7/2010 (Fri) 6:00-8pm
Venue : 柴灣公園硬地場

Friendly Match
Date/Time : 1/8/2010 (Sun) 8:00-9:30am
Venue : KGV 十一人仿真草場

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Match Canceled

The match on 22/7/2010 is canceled due to the bad weather. Thank you for your attention.

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Coming Match 22/7/2010

Please kindly report your availability for the following match.

Date/Time : 22/7/2010 (Thur) 6:30-8pm

Venue : 鰂魚涌公園一期人 造草場

vs Mak's invitation team

Low attendance...

It was disappointing that so few of us turned up in this practice session. Hope that it will be better next time.

Attendees : Alwin, Bong, Perry, Willie, Ah Keung, Leung WM, KC Leung

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Coming Practice Session 15/7/2010

Please kindly report your availability for the following practice session.

Date/Time : 15/7/2010 (Thur) 6:00-8:00pm

Venue : 柴 灣公園硬地場

Team Jersey

由於球會財政緊絀,經常入不敷支,為減省 laundry fee,由即日起,除另行通告外,每次比賽,請各隊員自備深藍色球衣,特此通告。

Not too bad


The new season started with a goal scoring thriller. We played well, but could be better. We lost, but we were not too bad.
It is just so happy to play football, as simple as that.

Goal 1: Woo (Assist Ben)
Goal 2: Woo (Assist Ben)
Goal 3: KC (Assist ? Kevin)

Gk: Willie
Def: KC, Ben, Derek, WM
Mid: Yuen, Alwin, FuSee, Perry, Ryan (Cheong's son), Kevin, Fan
For: Woo, Cheong

Thank YK Yim (Ah Keung) so much who played goalie for the opponent that made the game so competitive.